Crippling And Killer Chronic Inflammation: Its Causes And Cures

posted in: Health | 4

The inflammatory response of heat, pain, redness, and swelling to pathogens and needed tissue repair is healthy, but if prolonged too long then chronic inflammation results, leading to many diseases.

Songs While Praying for Backsliders and Breakthroughs 

posted in: Hallelujahs | 0

Each of these songs has taken its turn playing over and over again in my mind and spirit. Singing them as prayers of faith has ushered me into God’s presence with confidence and gratitude in his awesome love. The time has come. Jesus is drawing prodigals home. It is time that this valley of dry bones rises up a mighty army again.

#5 The Fruit of the Spirit Displays Holiness

posted in: Holiness | 6

Holiness first appears and begins growing in our inner being. As we allow the holy spirit of Jesus to change and direct our life, he begins bearing long-lasting, mature fruit from the inside out. This is commonly called the Fruit of the Spirit. The nine attributes of this fruit are listed in Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”

Insulin Resistance At The Heart Of Chronic Disease

posted in: Health | 4

In this post I explain how insulin resistance causes or exacerbates many diseases and point to how it can be reversed. Insulin’s job is to get the groceries you consume into your cells. It has problems when the cells have received too much glucose and no longer want anymore. They resist insulin’s attempts to get in, leaving too much insulin in the blood. The overabundance of this hormone travels throughout the body causing and exacerbating many problems that it otherwise wouldn’t if in the proper balance and able to do its job. Thus insulin resistance is the little know root of many chronic illnesses, especially those related to metabolic syndrome.

#4 How to Maintain a Life of Holiness

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In this post I delve into how to maintain a life of holiness. After all, this is what we need to do to make it to heaven and allow others to see Jesus, our holy God, through us. It may seem difficult when viewed from a human perspective, but when we seek after the God who lives within us he leads us to become more like him every day. Thus a life of holiness becomes more natural the closer we get to him.

Inspiration From “Famous For: I Believe”

posted in: Hallelujahs | 2

Every part of the song “Famous For (I Believe) has been so meaningful to me in the past couple of months. I believe the writers, Upon first hearing it, I started to relate because I had a hunger and expectation for God to do a new thing in me and in this country. I wanted to see miracles like those in the book of Acts. I wanted to see a restoration of all that the devil has stolen from my family. I wanted to have signs and wonders follow me and rivers of living waters flow from me as I believe. I wanted to see answers to prayers I have been praying in faith, and the fulfillment of promises I believe God made to me many years ago. Then more and more stressful things started to come to a culmination so that even more of this song seemed so relevant.

Songs of Desire for God to Use Us in This Season

posted in: Hallelujahs | 0

This post includes a mix of songs, the spirit of which has been on my heart in the last couple of weeks. Each song makes known to God the desire and availability to be used by him. All around me I hear cries from the spirit realm that Jesus is about ready to do a new thing on this Earth before his imminent return.

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