Diabetes Can Be Reversed Without Prescription Medications

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The Standard American Diet Is SAD

I’m a big believer in cause and effect relationships surrounding health. Someone does not get sick out of the blue for no particular reason. Things we see are more obviously caused by things we do. No one has a hard time understanding that a sunburn comes from being hit by too much sunlight. It is also easy to accept that becoming fat is in some way caused by how we eat, even though we might not understand the particulars or how to change. However, even things that are not so obvious, like low immunity, arthritis, migraines, and heart conditions, can also generally be traced to what we consume or how we behave and the environment we are in. In reality, the Standard American Diet is SAD. Americans have been lured and sometimes even mis-educated into consuming a diet full of carbohydrates and sugar. This diet inevitably leads to diabetes, chronic inflammation, heart conditions, and so much more. However, unlike the standard doctor’s prognosis of needing a lifetime of medication for an incurable disease, I can tell you there is hope. Diabetes can be reversed without prescription medications. My husband and many others are living examples that a change of diet can change everything. This holds true for diabetes and many of these other illnesses that plague our lives.

Chokniti Khongchum from Pexels

Diagnosed With Diabetes

Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels
Just over a year ago my husband was told he had Type 2 diabetes. His blood sugar A1C was 9.8 and he was overweight. He had many friends and family members who were struggling with diabetes or had died from complications related to the disease including heart disease, high blood pressure and neuropathy. He was determined to take it seriously and not be another statistic. However, he also did not want to become dependent on medicines to deal with the problem. The doctor wanted to prescribe Metformin and warned that if he did not take it and follow the diet his new diabetes doctor would prescribe, he would soon need to be taking insulin shots. My husband, in his always humorous way, asked if the diabetes came from being Metformin deficient. The doctor replied that it did not and was greatly annoyed when my husband refused to take it. Instead, my husband determined to research how to reverse diabetes using natural methods. His doctor wrote him off with, “Good luck with that.”
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

Help Others, Help Yourself

I joined him in researching foods that either hurt or healed this disease and experimented with recipes and menus we could use to help him be successful. I figured, not only did I want the love of my life healthier and thinner, I also was tired of gaining weight myself and could definitely stand to lose about 15-20 pounds. Thus helping him would help me. It’s amazing how that is the way life so often works out. I am happy to report that we have been successful in our journey to healthier weights and a complete erasure of diabetes, even according to his astonished doctor. 

How To Reverse Diabetes

Here I will give you a very basic overview of what we did and tell you that it took self-discipline and effort. We pretty much cut out all sugar from our diet and drastically lowered carbohydrates. No more breads, pastas, rice, potatoes, or even beans and milk. We began intermittent fasting, going without food for 14 or more hours every day. We made sure to have enough fat in our diet to feel satiated after eating so we wouldn’t get hungry quickly. I can tell you now that he was much stricter with himself than I was with myself, and as a result, he very quickly began reaching his goals. Within 3 months he was in prediabetes territory and had lost around 40 pounds, and by his birthday on the 8th month he was down 60 pounds and no longer had diabetes with an A1C being less than 6. The doctor who was upset with him for not taking medicine, told him, “You are no longer a diabetic. Keep doing whatever you are doing. You have done better than any other patient I have had, even those using medicine.” Even though I cheated a lot more, I still lost the 15-20 pounds I wanted to. We both feel much better and have learned so much about health and the effects of diet on our bodies. We have found that the same things that work to reverse diabetes and obesity, also work to improve a whole host of other conditions as well.
Photo by Alex Munsell on Unsplash

Methods for Transitioning to Health

In the next few posts on health I will continue to expand on the specifics, and give suggestions for starting a long term path toward healthy living. For some, especially those facing serious health conditions, it might mean a quick drastic change to a restrictive diet before easing up, if desired, when your health improves. For others, it might mean slowly easing your way into a healthier diet you can maintain for life. Either way, the direction is what is important. It is not as hard as it might seem at first, and in fact, becomes easier and more enjoyable with time. I can guarantee that you won’t be sorry you decided to live healthier.

Join Us in a Journey toward Health

Yosemite Meadows Path, Photo By Christy
Subscribe if you are interested in learning more about how to be successful in your quest for health. I will be sharing menus and recipes as well as inspiring and explanatory videos made by experts. I’ll let you know what you can expect to struggle with and how to make the transition easier. In preparation, I would encourage you to begin by looking at any and all food labels for everything you eat. This includes anything canned, boxed, drunk, and ordered. Pay special attention to total carbs and sugars of all varieties. See if you can get an estimate of how many carbs you think you consume on an average day. Can you guess what your average daily carbohydrate intake is now? If you want, leave your estimate in the comments below. Also leave a comment on whether you think you are the kind of person who will do better making a drastic, quick change by going “cold turkey” off carbs, or whether you would do better to attempt a gradual easing into a healthier diet. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. I am also happy to hear from you about your struggles and triumphs. We will become a community of encouragement, accountability, and success.

References That Got Us Started

These are some of the first videos and people on YouTube that my husband watched to begin his quest to reverse his diabetes. I will continue to add many more with each post but these offered hope, inspiration, and instruction to get started.
Dennis Pollack of Beat Diabetes speaks from his own experience and frequent testing. He has written a couple of books on the topic. In many of his videos he does experiments testing various foods and drinks and how they affect his blood sugar.
What Dr. Sarah Halberg stated that doctors currently recommend is almost exactly what the diabetes doctor that was assigned to my husband said he should be eating. They are wrong. Only after my husband told his diabetes doctor that he was going to be trying Keto did she excitedly give him suggestions and encouragement. It seemed she was not allowed to recommend anything other than that he take the Metformin and do the diet which included a lot of carbs and snacks, unless he brought it up first.
Dr. Jason Fung is a nephrologist or kidney specialist doctor. He’s considered an authority especially on the benefits of fasting, but is very knowledgeable on diet. Diabetes, of course, has a huge effect on kidneys, and he has come to his present conclusions on a healing diet and fasting from his medical knowledge, working with his patients, and his personal practice.