How To Prevent and Heal Clogged Arteries: Avoid Heart Disease
This post will attempt to explain risk factors correlated to clogged arteries, the process by which clogging occurs, as well as the best ways to avoid, stop, and reverse it.
This post will attempt to explain risk factors correlated to clogged arteries, the process by which clogging occurs, as well as the best ways to avoid, stop, and reverse it.
In this post I explain how insulin resistance causes or exacerbates many diseases and point to how it can be reversed. Insulin’s job is to get the groceries you consume into your cells. It has problems when the cells have received too much glucose and no longer want anymore. They resist insulin’s attempts to get in, leaving too much insulin in the blood. The overabundance of this hormone travels throughout the body causing and exacerbating many problems that it otherwise wouldn’t if in the proper balance and able to do its job. Thus insulin resistance is the little know root of many chronic illnesses, especially those related to metabolic syndrome.
The Standard American Diet Is SAD. This post is an overview of how my husband reversed his diabetes. Not only does our diet affect our weight, it affects our immunity, our energy levels, our blood sugar, and a host of other conditions that we might face.