Songs While Trusting and Waiting On God

posted in: Hallelujahs | 0

We live in a world where fear and anxiety run rampant. Things change around us so quickly and it’s easy to imagine the negative side of what may come next. At times we feel stuck in place, unable to leave the past and deal with the future looming around the corner. Yet it is our responsibility and privilege to spend our time trusting and waiting on God to fulfill his will in our lives.

Singing “My God Fights for Me” In Faith

posted in: Hallelujahs | 2

My God Fights for Me by Charity Gayle, Jeff Mathena, and Micah Tyler. I love this song. Not only does it have a cool and unique sound, but it has an incredibly encouraging message for people in all different circumstances. When we feel overwhelmed by the situations we face, it reminds us that God is sovereign and he loves us. When we put our lives in his hand we can depend on him delivering us.

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